WWE RAW Tickets

WWE Raw Superstar, the Dr of Thuganomics, Chain-gang Soldier John Cena made an appearance at Gold’s Gym in Dallas in February this year. He was there not to sell WWE RAW tickets, but to act as a personal trainer to Hector Pagan, winner of the Gold’s Gym “Win a Boot Camp Workout with WWE Superstar John Cena.” Hector and his wife Lisandra calmly awaited the arrival of the Champ, to give Hector his workout.

The two hundred and forty pound hero of Monday Night Raw was born in West Newbury, Massachusetts. As a kid he was mocked and teased for his baggy pants, Kwamé shirts and free-styling lyrics about individualism and rebellion, but at the age of 15 they discovered he had a new passion, hitting the gym. But it was a long climb before the champ began to sell WWE RAW tickets. He studied Exercise physiology at Springfield College in Massachusetts, were he was also a star, Division Three, All-American, offensive lineman. He then moved to California in 2000 where he got his connection to Gold’s Gym, working behind a counter in their Venice Gym, and eventually got hooked onto Pro Wrestling.

Cena arrived in Dallas and after a few shots for the cameras hit the free-weights with Pagan. They immediately started concentrating on the arms, Pagans favorite group. As the champ started showing his fan some triceps extensions, he began to teach him about his Exercise philosophy. The Doctor of Thuganomics hates Cardio, and refuses to do it, and jokes that if you move quickly between sets you don’t have to do any of it! Pagan listened closely to his idol and talked about how he and his kids would buy WWE Raw tickets every time they were in New York. The Champ was also a big fan of wrestling when he was younger before the birth of WWE RAW. Tickets he used to buy were to see his childhood heroes, figures like Hulk Hogan and his recent tag team partner, Shawn Michaels.

By the time they finished off their workout, Pagan’s arms were burning, but he was heartened by the words of his hero. “It’s not about how much you lift but how good you feel afterward. If you crash and burn early that means you’re working hard.” Cena’s inner personal trainer really exposed himself and he patted his fan on the back and congratulated him. Pagan left tired and sore, but heartened at the amazing experience he’d just had, unfortunately he’d have to buy some WWE Raw tickets to see his hero in the flesh again.

When asked for a comment on his routine the Champ simply said. “You can print this: I don’t do cardio. I hate the treadmill. I hate the Stairmaster. I hate bikes. I hate it. This is my message to anyone out the looking to get into shape, wanting to know what to do: don’t do anything you don’t like because this is supposed to be fun. I enjoy being at the gym. I enjoy working out. If you want to get stronger but don’t like lifting weights, then don’t lift F-ing weights. If you like to play hoops, play hoops. If you like to golf, go walk 18 instead of getting in a cart. You don’t necessarily need to have to work out in a gym to get healthy.” You can see Cena in action on Monday nights on WWE Raw.Tickets are available for live performances.